23 October 2013

Welcome to "Bring your own disco ball" blog.

First times are always a bit awkward  and although I have written my first blog post ever in 2004, and had several different blogs in this past (almost a) decade, I really feel a bit overwhelmed. With a hint of stage fright. Its like writing a super important speech for a great audience.

Yes, I am nervous. But, I have decided it is time to embark on this journey called lifestyle on line diary. Who knows where this will take me. I am sure I will meet so many wonderful and inspiring people.

I have been contemplating the idea of creating this kind of blog for a while, feeling excited while setting all this up. Its like buying a new (paper) diary, cracking it open and preparing to embellish the first page with your most inspiring words in your best hand writing.  Getting some flashbacks, right?

After browsing the web for some inspiration for my first post I have found an article that suggested to unplug and just be one with yourself, pen and paper, no gadgets of any kind. Just you and your thoughts. Leave it all behind you and pour it all out. At the time I was at work and couldn't wait to get home to be in my safe place all alone. It turned out to be just the thing I needed. I re-wrote and rebuild the blog and the post.

I think this is it. This can go live.

While doing my daily reading and browsing interesting and inspiring people, I found an amazing post with a great title that became my blog name. Thank you Gala. I hope this little diary of mine will live up to its inspiration.

Can't wait to see this project grow and develop into something I can be proud of. Wish me luck.

Don't forget to bring your own disco ball <3


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