29 October 2013

While thinking about the title of this post, so many thoughts went through my head, twirlling around inside my mind, with burning desire to say all at one. But a simple "thank you" is the one that really sums it up. I have so much to be grateful for in my life, but this post`s title goes to one thing in particular. Few weeks ago I have submitted my resume to a particular company for a very special job opening. I have been craving a change in my career for so long, but it was hard and I was becoming very negative and depressed about it. Accordingly I was considering this to be my last chance to do it. The resume was sent 18 days ago, I waited and waited for that call. A friend of mine got that same job in the same company several months ago and said that it took them about 3 weeks to call her. I was counting the days, marked that 31 Oct in red. Looking at it, when my number will be up! On another note, a different friend, my sensei, she was trying to teach me some secrets to The Secret.
"Nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts."
At first I was a bit skeptical and scared. Scared of what was really going to happen with that job and I was worried if I was to eager in wishing it that I will be very disappointed. I never thought in a way that, what if – I got the job? Let’s not be hasty. I am not there yet but a wonderful thing happened yesterday. While reading before mentioned book The Secret, the part of asking the Universe for what you really want, the phone rang. I was reading the part where you focus on your wish and you say thanks for everything you have to acknowledge that you really do value all the blessings in your life.
"What do you really want? Sit down and write it out on a piece of paper. Write it in the present tense. You might begin by writing, "I am so happy and grateful now that..." And then explain how you want your life to be, in every area."
I am really thankful for everything I have, my life, health, my family and friends, my animals and all the “little” things that sometimes are material but make this wonderful life a bit more beautiful. Don`t get me wrong, I am not saying that material things are important in life and crucial in any matter, but I would be lying if I said different. It would be hypocritical of me to claim I only need spiritual non-material things to be happy. I do enjoy a pretty dress and amazing shoes. Playing dress-up, eating delicious fancy food or traveling. But in the end, I do realize that what is truly important in life is love. Honesty. Friendship. Positive thinking. Helping others. Being there for others and supporting them. Cherishing time with loved ones and showing them how much they mean to me. While writing all these thing down on a paper, and having my dream job in mind, they called and asked me to come for an interview. I know I am not still there but I am so happy. So grateful. And most of all so inspired. Believe that it's already yours. Have what I love to call unwavering faith. Believing in the unseen. I had nothing to lose by believing it would come true. I asked for it. And it is coming to me. Some may see this just to be a coincidence. Feel free to do so, to think so. But what is the harm of thinking and doing positive? I am not saying that I was magically served what I wanted, I am very qualified for that job, but I just made sure I vibrated on a frequency I needed to really get it.
"See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don't fret and worry about them. Don't think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession." Robert Collier (1885-1950)

26 October 2013

Browsing pinterest is always so much fun and at times is hard to stop. 
I think pinterest is one of the best things of this digital era, one of the best platforms internet has to offer.

No matter what I am looking for, a photo, recipe, post inspiration or just to enjoy procrastination, pinterest is a place to go.

Feel free to visit my boards and follow if you like.


24 October 2013

… and never give up!

Even after enduring so many computer crashes and technical difficulties while preparing pictures for this post.  I had my mind set on publishing a post today from last night and I decided to do it no matter the cost. I am happy to announce that I won! The machine lost.

While reading and browsing my favorite blogs I took a peek of Gala`s blog. Since she is such an inspiring person there is a lot to be read, but to me, two posts were of significance. One about mercury retrograde (explains a lot of my troubles from earlier today) that helped me to understand the world around me a little better so I could adjust myself to stress accordingly. The other one inspired the tone of this post.

I am totally and absolutely caught up in analysis paralysis. From head to toe and about everything I do. And because of that I decided to go crazy and just write. Just publish this post that will be just one of many, and probably seem silly in few months. But as Gala says “Just begin”.

Since I have been out and about the blogosphere for almost a decade, and although I never had a blog this personal and focused on writing and expressing yourself through more than pretty pictures (and in English for that fact!), I have spent a lot of time reading other blogg(er)s and couldn`t help myself not to focus on design first. Now when that is all set (it was easy-peasy this time, surprise!) I need to let go and just begin.

Thank you again Gala for encouraging and inspiring. Thank you world for being so wonderful and full of opportunities.


23 October 2013

Welcome to "Bring your own disco ball" blog.

First times are always a bit awkward  and although I have written my first blog post ever in 2004, and had several different blogs in this past (almost a) decade, I really feel a bit overwhelmed. With a hint of stage fright. Its like writing a super important speech for a great audience.

Yes, I am nervous. But, I have decided it is time to embark on this journey called lifestyle on line diary. Who knows where this will take me. I am sure I will meet so many wonderful and inspiring people.

I have been contemplating the idea of creating this kind of blog for a while, feeling excited while setting all this up. Its like buying a new (paper) diary, cracking it open and preparing to embellish the first page with your most inspiring words in your best hand writing.  Getting some flashbacks, right?

After browsing the web for some inspiration for my first post I have found an article that suggested to unplug and just be one with yourself, pen and paper, no gadgets of any kind. Just you and your thoughts. Leave it all behind you and pour it all out. At the time I was at work and couldn't wait to get home to be in my safe place all alone. It turned out to be just the thing I needed. I re-wrote and rebuild the blog and the post.

I think this is it. This can go live.

While doing my daily reading and browsing interesting and inspiring people, I found an amazing post with a great title that became my blog name. Thank you Gala. I hope this little diary of mine will live up to its inspiration.

Can't wait to see this project grow and develop into something I can be proud of. Wish me luck.

Don't forget to bring your own disco ball <3

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